9 Herbs & Spices for Transformation

If you were to take a look in your pantry, I am sure you may have some of the "staple items" to season your food like salt, pepper, garlic salt/powder, onion salt/powder, and paprika. You might even get fancy with a little lemon pepper or a special "seasoning mix" you like to use. While your meals may not be lacking in flavor with these items, your meals are most assuredly lacking in MAGIC without these 9 Essential Herbs and Spices for Transformation! Here are some gems and magical tips to perk up your pantry!


1. Ginger

There's a reason Grandma thought Gingered Ale was the cure for everything from an upset stomach to a severed limb Ginger is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and a wonderful source to cure digestive issues.

Magical Tip: Feeling unmotivated or need a boost of confidence? Chew on a piece of ginger to awaken the fire within and give you the confidence to move mountains!

2. Black Pepper

Black pepper is high in antioxidants and can also contribute to increased brain functionality!

Magical Tip: Want to clear your home of negative vibes from unwanted/un-welcomed guests? Sprinkle a mixture of black pepper and Himalayan salt throughout your home and at your door's threshold. Don't be surprised if the unwanted guests do not return!

3. Coriander

Did you know that this spice is actually high in vitamin C and comes from CILANTRO?! The flavor is POWERFUL and so are the health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and ,when used regularly, can assist with reducing chronic pain.

Magical Tip: Bad case of the dry DM's (insert side grin emoji)? Place a sachet of coriander in your panty drawer to attract a lustful lover into your life.

4. Parsley

Most people look at parsley as just a simple garnishment. But what garnishment do YOU know of that fights cancerous cells, promotes bone health, and is anti-bacterial AND rich in antioxidants. Exactly! You will never look at parsley the same once you understand how much power it packs!

Magical Tip: Suffer from nightmares? Place a sprig of parsley under your pillow to drive away negative thoughts and energies in your dream-state.

5. Turmeric

Where to begin with the healing properties of Turmeric. Not only is it a wonderful agent to boost your immune system, but it is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and . can be used to reduce pain as well as aid with digestive issues.

Magical Tip: Need to see more cash flow in your life? Sprinkle some turmeric on your altar! This is an offering to Lord Ganesha and will usher in the properties of wealth and abundance!

6. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is often used with honey, lemon, and water to promote weight-loss, but the spice, on it's own, is also great for weight-loss, as it aids in reducing hunger and helping to move the bowels.

Magical Tip: Feel as though someone or something is keeping you stuck or wishing you ill-well? Carry a satchel of red pepper flakes to banish attacks on your character, ill will towards you, and/or negative vibes from coming your way!

7. Ceylon Cinnamon

While cinnamon can be very pungent and even spicy, ceylon cinnamon, aka "true cinnamon" has a lighter, brighter taste- but doesn't skimp on health benefits, including acting as a blood thinner to reduce blood clots.

Magical Tip: Is the smell of burning sage off-putting to you or those around you? Well...some might argue it is simply doing it's job. However, you can also cleanse your sacred space by burning cinnamon - which has a much more attractive scent to most, but also packs a punch with clearing energy.

8. Cumin

If you have ever wondered what that amazing, fragrant taste is that can be found just about every Indian dish, it's probably the cumin. Not only does it add a layer of vibrant distinctive flavor, but cumin is also great for indigestion and can assist with getting a good night's rest for those of you who deal with insomnia.

Magical Tip: Want to secure your lover's loyalty? Cook up a meal using cumin set with the intention of fidelity and let the herb do it's magic in ushering love and faithfulness.

9. Garlic

As often as you can, skip the garlic salt and go for the beautiful, natural and delicious flavor of fresh garlic instead! Garlic is a powerful antioxidant and is also effective at reducing blood pressure and cholesterol!

Magical Tip: Can't seem to shake off a mild illness? Rub garlic on the soles of your feet and put on socks, then tale a nap. You will feel 100x better when you awake!

Incorporating these herbs and spices will take your pantry from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY! This, beloveds...is Alchemy at it's best!

Which of these herbs and spices stood out the most for you? I would love to hear if you learned something new!

As always, Drop your comments below in the comment section!


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