Map your meals and TAP into the magic within

If the phrase "you are what you eat" literally means that what you consume has a direct influence over the person you "become", then why would you waste a single MOMENT on choosing anything other than what you need to gain MOMENTUM towards deliberately co-creating the life that you desire? This, beloveds, is another beautiful example of the phrase "As below". What you eat (as above) shapes who you become (so below).

Therefore,  it is imperative to map your meals, and do your research on foods that carry certain qualities and health benefits you want ushered into your life.

I call this Meal Mapping: taking your "meal prep" to the next level. And I am ALL about the elevation!

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When you begin crafting your meals from what you want to manifest versus what's on sale this week at the market, then you begin to make food choices led by spirit. This is true "spirit cooking" 😏.

Looks like you have some work to do, doesn't it?  I can give you a jumpstart! DM me on Instagram if you want more secret gems on the magical uses of food. You know I always deliver the goods!




Sounds so Sweet!