A Season of Change

Fall is such a beautiful time of year and is rapidly approaching. Fall reminds me of CHANGE,  primarily because the landscape changes so drastically in the fall when the leaves "change" color. It is also a reminder that a New Year is on the horizon. What an exciting time to set expectations for the things to come!


You have the ability to create the 2021 you deeply desire. You also have the ability to create the 2021 you most fear the most. We all have this power. It's called...our MINDS. And it is ok to change it  Let's talk about how powerful the mind is in simpler terms...

One day, my alarm went off after a much needed rest. After I dismissed the alarm, I could still hear it with an almost bell like clarity. It reminded me that sometimes, we have experiences in life that continue to resonate with us long after the experience itself has passed, and we mistake this resonating memory as our reality. Trauma, disappointments, and fear have the same resonating affect in our lives, and we find ourselves in patters of the same.

The mind, indeed, has the power to keep us trapped in lower vibrational frequencies of fear and doubt, or to catapult us to greatness beyond our imagination. But the mind can't do it alone. There is also your wellness and what you eat to be concerned about, as well. 

Did you know that the foods you eat can harbor negative feelings? Food is energy beloveds. And while I love a good steak or juicy flavorful piece of chicken from time to time, you MUST consider the source if you choose to consume food that is not living. Otherwise, you not only consume what nutrients may be present, but you also consume the fear, the trauma, the anguish, and despair of an animal that was inhumanely harvested. This is why I find it IMPERATIVE to cleanse and give your temple a reboot by flushing it with high vibrational living foods! 

Change your mind, change your outlook...

Change your diet, change your life! 


October is Here! Time to Give Birth…


Fall into YOU!