Virgo Season & The Root Chakra

Happy Monday, Beloveds!

You often hear me use the expression, “As above, so below…As within, so without”. This theory is beautifully depicted in the energies of today, Root Chakra day, at the beginning of Virgo season 2020. Virgo is associated with the element of Earth, as is the Root Chakra: But the connection does not stop there.


The Sanskrit name for the root chakra is the Muladhara (which translates to “root”). The sciatic nerve is connected to the Root Chakra, and this nerve is the largest peripheral nerve in the body. In fact, it extends from the sacral plexus down through the leg and it looks and functions much like a root for the nervous system. It is through our legs that our nervous system connects us with the Earth! In this way, we are able to sink our internal roots into the Earth below us (As above…so below).  

The constellation of Virgo is in the image of the maiden carrying a stalk of wheat. Wheat is a symbol of abundance, fertility, and life!  Wheat kernels cannot become blossoming grains of wheat unless they are first rooted in fertile soil within the Earth. Everything comes full circle and is all connected, and it all begins in the Root! Once you make these connections, you understand how important it is to nurture and develop your Root Chakra. You cannot build a castle on quick sand. Your foundation must be the strongest platform from which you grow.

I find it beautiful and reassuring to know that Mother Earth is constantly calling us home. She beckons day and night to draw us closer to her through an unrelenting force called gravity. We are constantly being called “home”; to connect with Earth and stay rooted to our planet and its material existence through this force.  Need I mention that Virgo, being the Goddess of wheat and agriculture, is also deeply rooted as a presence in the material world? (As above…so below)

 Virgo Season is here to bring you back to Earth and I am here to assist you in that return!  It is time for planting seeds for 2021 and bringing all of our heightened senses of awareness BACK TO EARTH and get to the ROOT of your existence. What seeds are you planting for 2021 and how can I assist you with bringing them to fruition?




The Importance of the Ancestors